Fayetteville Public Library welcomes art exhibition proposals for display throughout the library. As an institution that values inclusivity and works to represent its community, we encourages artists with all levels of experience to apply.
The FPL Art Committee oversees public art planning and decision-making. This committee is made up of 8-10 individuals representing citizens, art professionals, art educators, and design professionals. At this time, the library is designed to exhibit two-dimensional, hanging artwork. Exhibitions that require installation will be considered and evaluated on facility feasibility along with artistic merit.
+ All decisions for accepting art for temporary display are decided by the Art Committee, which meets every 1-2 months.
+ FPL has the right to refuse exhibition if the art violates the Code of Conduct. No innappropriate or offensive language, nudity, or violence shall be depicted in art. Additionally, any art that contains hatred towards individuals or groups based on sex, race, gender, age, language, religion, etc., will not be tolerated.
+ Artists will receive an answer for their exhibition within 2 months after initial submission.
+ Each exhibition duration will be 3–4 months.
+ FPL can provide mounting assistance and identifying wall tags. Any exhibit displaying 20+ pieces will be charged a printing fee. Any damage made to the walls by utilizing alternate mounting methods or personal wall tags will result in a damage fee.
+ Artists/art owners will be sent an LOI to fill out and return, along with a brief artist bio, artist statement, list of pieces and mediums, and high-resolution JPEG images of the artworks (if not previously submitted).
+ Communication will be made in the month preceding an exhibition regarding assistance with set-up and take-down.
+ Reading Room
+ Adult Fiction
+ Adult Nonfiction
+ Lucky Day Gallery
+ Teen & Grade School hallway
+ McIlroy Entrance
+ Bradberry Family Prefunction Gallery
+ The library does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to artwork(s) or the loss or damage to frames or glass, no matter how sustained. Reasonable safety and electronic security precautions are in place to ensure added protection. FPL strongly recommends that the artist carry personal property insurance.
+ The library does not handle sales, and pricing for artwork will not be displayed. Through publicity, the library will direct viewers interested in learning more to contact the artist or gallery representing the artist.
+ We welcome exhibition proposals at any time. You will receive a response within two months of submitting it.
+ We can’t wait to see your exhibition proposals! Please complete this form or email art@faylib.org with any questions.
Due to the nature and function of the building, FPL is primarily equipped to display 2D art. Certain allowances can be made for 3D or sculptural art depending on the form of display and its limited needs, or disruption to the building, patrons, and staff. FPL cannot provide display cases or light boxes for sculptural works, and it is the artist’s responsibility to supply them if needed. FPL does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to the artwork(s), glass, or frames. If this is a concern for the artist, FPL strongly recommends they carry personal property insurance.
No proposals will be accepted that contain material contradictory to FPL's Code of Conduct.
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