What is Summer Reading Club?
The Summer Reading Club (SRC) is our way of encouraging everyone to read together all summer long – in whatever form that takes! It could be audiobooks, eBooks, graphic novels, picture books, chapter books – we love them all!
When you are a part of SRC, you'll earn points for all of the reading you do! The only thing you have to do is log your minutes. Your points will enter you in our drawings for prizes at the end of the summer. The program works a little differently for adults – every book read qualifies you for a chance to win a weekly prize, and every five books is an entry into the grand prize drawing.
Whatever age you are, we encourage you to read and participate as much as possible so that you can earn more entries and more chances to win prizes!
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What is READsquared?
READsquared is the program that helps you track your reading. Instead of paper logs, you'll track your minutes online or through the app. You earn points for all of the reading you complete, which enters you into drawings for grand prizes.
App for iOS
App for Android
What kind of programming will be offered?
We will offer fun programs for all ages throughout the summer! From story times and musical guests to magicians and craft projects, we have something for all kids and teens! The best way to know what we have going on is to check out our calendar. You can sort our events by age group, too! Keep in mind that many events have registrations, but we do offer some events more than once. For families looking for something to do, each Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. we will have a special performer in our Event Center, and every Saturday at 10 a.m. is Super Saturday - a fun, family friendly performance!
Our weekly story times include Baby Bookworms, Toddler Time, Preschool Story Time and Ositos Bilingues. These do not require registration, but audience size might be limited.
How many books do I need to read to win a prize?
Listeners, kids and teens are not required to read a certain amount of books – instead, we reward minutes spent reading. The goal is for each reader to get to 1,000 points. That equals 20 minutes a day of reading for 7 weeks.
And you can earn more than 1,000 points! We want each reader to have an attainable goal, but we encourage super readers to keep on reading. For every 100 minutes you track, you will earn additional entries into grand prize drawings.
For participating adults, every book read qualifies you for a chance to win a weekly prize, and every five books is an entry into the grand prize drawing.
Are you giving away prizes this year?
We love giving away prizes, and we usually do that with generous donations from our community. This year will look a little different. We will give all of our prizes away at the end of the summer.
For each 100 points that you earn, you will be entered into our grand prize drawings. Finishing the program (1,000 points) and completing missions within READsquared will earn extra entries into the drawings. You can keep reading even after you finish the program; any additional minutes logged after 1,000 minutes will earn extra entries into our grand prize drawings.
Our prizes this year will include passes and gift cards to local Fayetteville businesses, as well as cool places to check out in the surrounding area. We want to support the places that support us each summer! We will be giving away prizes in each reading program (listeners, kids and teens) and there will be many prizes given away within each age category.
Each listener, child and teen who completes the program by reaching 1,000 points will receive a free book!
What if my child doesn’t read yet?
We have a program for listeners, which is generally kids 0-5. Any book that is read to them counts as minutes that can be logged!
If my child reads on their own, can we also count the books I read to them?
Yes! In the kids program, you can log the minutes your child reads independently as well as ones that you read to them. You can also log minutes for multiple children simultaneously.
Are you giving away free books this year?
Yes! Each child who meets their reading goal and completes the program (1,000 points) will get to pick out a book they can keep.
Can I print a reading log?
No, the READsquared app is taking the place of all of our paper logs. You can log your reading online or through the app. You can even log the same reading for multiple kids at once! If you need special assistance participating in the Summer Reading Club this year, we are here to help. Just contact us at kidsquestions@faylib.org or call 479.856.7170.
If logging online is a barrier, you can track the minutes read using paper and pen. In order to be eligible for prizes, just email kidsquestions@faylib.org by July 31 at 5 p.m. and we can “bulk log” for your child or children.
Can my kids volunteer at the library?
The 7-Up! Volunteer Program offers the first opportunity for teens to volunteer at the Fayetteville Public Library. This program is available to incoming 7th graders. Volunteering as a 7-Up! provides you a great opportunity to meet other teens with interests like yours, learn more about FPL and have some summertime fun! Each week the participants will attend a weekly meeting and volunteer one hour a week in the youth service department.
Anything else?
Remember that all ages can participate in our Summer Reading Club! We have programs for listeners, kids, teens and adults, and we hope you will join us. If you have questions about the program, just contact us at kidsquestions@faylib.org or call 479.856.7170.