Join us for a book talk and signing from local author, Coralie Koonce!
Coralie has enjoyed a fascinating life spanning (so far) 93 years. Family difficulties often put her, an only child, in the care of her grandparents in the unusual little town of Black Earth, Wisconsin, where her grandmother knew everybody’s secrets. She pursued education with avid interest, arriving in college classes by age sixteen.
Fast forward through marriages, motherhood, and a sojourn in Mexico. In between gaining several college degrees, Coralie struggled with demands of employment and children, writing. But these were only building blocks to her wry humor and philosophical view. Ever the pragmatic utopian, she has authored several books and multiple articles, challenging public policy and human foibles. Most of all, she embraces life with a passion.
Please join us as she reads from her latest memoir, Soup to Nuts.
Books will be available for sale and signing after her presentation.