Share your story at our Human Library event on Saturday, January 11, 2025! We are currently seeking "books." Volunteer books will help create dialogue and understanding based on their own personal stories. They are willing to enter dialogue, to break taboos and show that everyone's story needs to be told. Application will be accepted through November 8.
A book with us is a person that volunteered to create dialogue and understanding based on their own personal stories. They are willing to enter dialogue, to break taboos and show that everyone's story needs to be told. Books are not political or on a mission when with us, but rather able to surrender to the agenda of the reader and allow them control of the conversation.
Share your own personal stories to help shatter stigmas, prejudgment, and stereotypes at our Human Library event on Saturday, January 11! To be a book, you'll need a book title, 3-5 sentences of story needed to submit and 3-5 chapters.
Volunteer books will be required to attend a training in early January, and their images will be used to help promote the event. Application will be accepted through November 8. If selected, you will be contacted in November with further information.
The Human Library™ is a place where real people are on loan to readers. It's is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue. Its mission is to help build social cohesion and a greater understanding for diversity in the community, locally and on a global level.